
Due Diligence Review & Investigation

Due Diligence Review & Investigation

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Due Diligence Review & Investigation

A due diligence investigation is the examination of a company’s management, finances, performance, mission, history, aims, clients, and anything else that details how a business functions. It is vital to conduct a due diligence investigation before a merger, company purchase, or acquisition because it reveals hidden liabilities. SSRA & Co.’s due diligence team uses forensic accounting investigations, background checks, surveillance, mystery shopping, asset searches, financial investigations, and other corporate investigation methods to find out how a company functions. In certain cases, our investigators will need to review public records, speak with company clients and customers, and contact overseas offices to uncover the legitimacy and potential of a company.
We undertake the following kinds of due diligence:
  • Legal: This aspect deals with the intellectual property of the company in question. It involves contract, loans, property, employment, and pending litigations.
  • Financial:Financial due diligence verifies a company’s finances. It looks at things like earnings, assets, liabilities, cash flow, debt, and management.
  • Commercial: Commercial due diligence brings into consideration the current market. This includes conversations with customers, competitor assessment, and any business plans in place.
  • Other: External types of due diligence include taxation, pensions, human resources, and IT systems.


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