
Warehousing Accreditation Agency

Warehousing Accreditation Agency

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Warehousing Accreditation Agency

The firm has a registered Warehousing Accreditation Agency registered with the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority. Warehousing plays a very vital role in rural banking and financing. In view of overall growth and development of warehousing sector and to promote efficiency in conduct of warehousing business, the Government of India has introduced the negotiable receipt system in India. The initial focus of the Warehousing Development Regulatory Authority has been on agriculture sector. WDRA on its part has devised the system of Negotiable Warehouse Receipts, which will in time allow farmers to get the best price for their produce and help bringing down prices of commodities by cutting out the arbitrage earned by middlemen.

Benefits of the Accreditation:
  • Increased liquidity in rural areas.
  • Encouragement of scientific warehousing of goods.
  • Lower cost of financing.
  • Shorter and more efficient supply chains.
  • Enhanced rewards for grading and quality.


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